Policies & Reports
With effect from January 2023, the Trust's local governing bodies will be replaced by Hub Advisory Boards. From this date, on Trust and school documents, including policies, which refer to 'local governing bodies' or 'LGB's' should be read as 'Hub Advisory Boards' or 'HABs'.
Please read through our policies and reports to find out more about how our school operates. Policies are updated as indicated. As always, if you have any questions, please get in touch.
Collective Worship Policy 10/23
Education of Children in Care Policy 03/24
Freedom of Information Publication Scheme 03/24
Ugborough Safeguarding Policy 24-25
Sports Premium Reporting 2021-2022
Sports Premium Reporting 23-24
To find our annual reports and accounts, please click on the link below:
West Annual Reports & Accounts